La casa azul
In the tradition of Virginia Lee Burton's The Little House comes a heartfelt story about a father and son learning to accept the new while honoring and celebrating the old.
For as long as he can remember, Leo has lived in the blue house with his dad, but lately the neighborhood is changing. People are leaving, houses are being knocked down, and shiny new buildings are going up in their place. When Leo and his dad are forced to leave, they aren't happy about it. They howl and rage and dance out their feelings. When the time comes, they leave the blue house behind--there was never any choice, not really--but little by little, they find a way to keep its memory alive in their new home. Ages 4-8
«Nunca estás lejos de casa si estás con aquellos a los que amas.»
Desde que tiene memoria, Leo ha vivido en la vieja casa azul con su padre. Hay goteras y se oyen crujidos. Y cuando el viento sopla todo tiembla. Pero es su casa...
La casa azul no es solo la historia del hermoso vínculo entre un padre y un hijo, sino que aborda con delicadeza el tema de un cambio de casa y todas las emociones que ello conlleva.
Litera (2022) Hardcover 40p. ISBN 9788412585100