Sergio Andricaín/Catalina Acelas
Había otra vez: Historias de siempre vueltas a contar
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Inspired by the voices that nurtured him in his childhood, Sergio Andricaín collected seven stories from the oral tradition and, through a dialogue with various literary versions and sources, printed his own voice. So, from the European and Ibero-American folklore, return these great stories that are part of the legacy of all childhoods: El príncipe Mazapán, La viejecita y el chivo, Los duendes zapateros, Jorinda y Joringel, La remolacha gigante, Los gansos ladrones, and El rey Barbaespantosa. Colección Nidos para la lectura. Ages 7+ GRL: O
Santillana (2020) Paperback 104pp. ISBN 9781543324006