Yo opino... ¿Jugar solo o acompañado?
Some say that there is nothing more exciting than getting together with friends to play or putting together a team to participate in a sports competition. There are also people who believe that playing alone offers many more possibilities to have fun and learn new things. A girl who thinks that playing in a group is the best and a boy who thinks that playing alone is ideal express their opinion on the matter supporting it with several reasons, as it should be! GRL T
YO OPINO… (In My Opinion. . .) is an authentic Spanish multi-level children’s book series showcasing argumentative texts written by fictional elementary school students about a variety of topics that are relevant to today's kids. Written by award-winning Cuban-American author Andres Pi Andreu, this series is a unique product that supports the Language Arts standards by modeling for students the characteristics and elements of argumentative/opinion texts across all elementary levels. Each book presents one composition supporting each point of view—with reasons and facts according to standards.
Loqueleo (2021) Paperback 20 pp. ISBN 9781543335446
7" x 9"